Cartoon Character Kit: Premium Version

Design and draw your own cartoon character (includes BONUS - customised feedback)

Are you struggling to create your own cartoon character

because you can't draw well enough?

What if you could follow a simple, do-able process, without needing to be 'artistic'?

Ta-dah! Introducing: Create Your First Cartoon Alter-Egowith BONUS Personalised Video Feedback the 7-part system to create your first cartoon character (using skills you already have).

This is a step-by-step process that works even if you can't really draw very well. When you've done it the first time, you'll be able to use it over and over again and create even more cartoon characters — how about starting with one for every family member?

You're not going to create an icon like Charlie Brown or Miss Incredible right off the bat 😉

But you will create a character that has a distinct resemblance to you (or that other person you are basing it on) that you can polish and perfect in the weeks that follow.

You might be thinking "I'm really not very good at drawing"

You've tried drawing cartoons before and it hasn't worked because it was too complicated. I have a simple question — can you draw the stick figure below?

Give it a try.

If you can, you have enough skill to succeed using this system 🤓.

How does this course differ from the non-Premium option?

This course has a bonus worth $40 — a personalised feedback video from Alison giving you up to 3 tweaks that you can make to improve your character immediately.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

If you're not happy with your first cartoon alter-ego after going through the material, send me all your practice sheets within 30 days and I'll happily refund you.

What's Inside?

  • 7 video sessions (short and to the point, no blah-blah, yada-yada)
  • Precise practice instructions, demonstrated
  • Example practice sheets for each session so that you know what you are aiming for
  • "Quick Quizzes" (don't worry, you can't fail 😉) to make sure you get the most important points
  • BONUS ($40 value) for Premium Offer: personalised video feedback on your character with up to 3 actions you can take to improve your cartoon immediately

Here's the outline of what you will learn in the course

Session 1:

  • the right order to build your stick figures systematically
  • why head size really matters
  • the overlooked importance of certain joints
  • how to use one body part to 'measure' others (and create) cartoony-ness)

Session 2:

  • identifying the essential body part to kick start your character customisation
  • the importance of keeping certain body proportions intact
  • 3 instant character customisation options

Session 3:

  • how to use a familiar shape to create any sort of nose
  • the critical importance of 'following your nose'
  • using the "+" system to position the nose in relation to other features
  • why noses seem to move about (and how to harness that for liveliness)

Session 4:

  • amping up the cartoon-y factor using the eyes
  • how to make all eyes more expressive with a simple tweak
  • the role of pupils and how to space them properly
  • one critical mistake involving eye direction (and how to avoid it)

Session 5:

  • 3 shapes that let you distil the essence of any hairstyle
  • how head position affects what hair you see
  • working with (or against) gravity

Session 6:

  • the key line to start with when you're creating the cartoon body
  • why bodies come before clothes
  • how to avoid flatness in your bodies and limbs
  • choosing clothes that simplify your transition from sticks to characters

Session 7:

  • leveraging all your past practice sheets
  • how basic ballpoint and pencil can deliver an impressive result
  • start-to-finish demonstration of the entire process
  • how to embrace mis-steps as unique possibilities

BONUS ($40 value) for Premium Offer:

  • submit your practice goodies and final results to Alison and get personalised video feedback to iron out the wrinkles to set your character up for a lively career.

Your Instructor

Alison Beere
Alison Beere

Alison Beere has been the Da Vinci cartooning trainer since 2014. She has tutored more than 185 adult beginners day by day from their first pencil strokes to creating full-on cartoon characters.

Her strength is that she was an adult beginner herself, learning cartooning at the age of 40 having never been able to draw. She had the blessing of a great mentor, and that's why she now teaches — to help people like you also tap into the lighthearted superpower of being a cartoonist.

She still remembers the challenges of an adult beginner (and how to overcome them).

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the course have a specific start date?
You want to get started right away, don't you? There are 7 lessons, and you can realistically start right now and complete a lesson a day (but pleeeez ... don't skip the practice sessions!). It's up to you how long you take, but if you do a lesson a day, you might want to do the course twice — once to get started, and a second pass because - you'll find stuff you missed first time around that you are now ready to implement - it will help really bed down your skills
How long can I access to the course?
You have unlimited access to this course after enrolling, for as long as I am working on If I ever change that, I'll give you fair and ample warning.
Is there a guarantee?
If you are unhappy with your first cartoon alter-ego send me your practice sheets for the 7 lessons within 30 days of purchase, and I'll be happy to give you a full refund, no questions asked 🤓.
What materials do I need for the course?
You need an HB pencil, a ball point pen and plain paper to draw on. An A4 school exercise book, or several sheets of photocopy paper will do fine. If you want to experience the mood-boosting effects of colour, a pack of colour pencils is an optional extra.
Do I need to be able to draw to do this course?
If you are capable of holding a pencil and making a mark on paper, you have enough skills to do this course.
Can I use an iPad or tablet to draw for this course?
Yes, absolutely! The course is actually recorded using a mix of iPad/Procreate drawing and pencil/paper drawing. It won't teach you how to use your software, but if you can make a mark on a canvas using your tablet, you can do this course.

Get started now!